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What is hypnobirthing?


Hypnosis was already used by the ancient Egyptians for healing and pain relief, the method is
marked in the Ebers papyrus.

This relaxed state is similar to the easy moments before falling asleep or your head space while
being on a long journey. You are relaxed without loosing contact with the word around you:
although you are listening, watching, sensing, in your mind you are not there.

Hypnobirthing is YOU. You when you are running your 10th mile and your legs are moving you
without any thoughts or when you are swimming and listening only to your breath or when you are

dancing and know that your movements are beautiful. Because it is all coming from inside. You
know how to do it and just do it.

After calming down the mind, the mother's instinct knows how to give birth to your baby in the
alignment of body and mind.

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